If you’re unsure and wondering about the process of how to reset Honeywell Thermostat Pro series, you’re just in the right guide!
In this tutorial, we’ll be walking you through the steps of how you can reset it back to its factory or default settings!
Unlike other tutorials you’ll find online, we will go over it completely and comprehensively!
If you’re looking to reset your Honeywell Thermostat Pro Series, find out the model number of your Honeywell Thermostat first. Then, follow the appropriate commands depending on the Honeywell Thermostat model you’re using.
In anticipation of the fix method or process, it is imperative to know what the importance is of resetting your Honeywell Thermostat unit.
Why Reset Your Honeywell Thermostat?
There are several reasons why you should reset your Honeywell Thermostat Pro. Among the most common reasons include:
- The thermostat isn’t changing the temperature correctly
- You experience a bit of malfunctioning
- You’re experiencing some issues with your HVAC system
Although it’s always not the thermostat’s fault, it would be the best first point of reason as to why you’re experiencing these types of problems and issues.
Moreover, several HVAC experts also suggest performing a reset of the thermostat at least once every month to ensure that everything will start off a clean slate.
That being said, it will be extremely significant for you to learn how to factory reset your Honeywell Thermostat Pro Series unit.
How to Reset Honeywell Thermostat Pro Series? – Complete Steps
We labeled this guide as a complete guide because of the fact that we wouldn’t just give you one (1) way to do it.
There are several units and models of Honeywell Thermostat Pro units that differ in terms of design, user interface (UI), and processes, imposing the distinctions in the processes of how they’re done.
So, without further ado, let’s head right onto the guide!
Identifying the Model
Before you start with any of the processes we’ll discuss below, you first have to identify the specific model of the Honeywell Thermostat Pro you have.
This is for you to be able to perform the factory reset procedure accurately and precisely.
You can identify which model and which unit it is by checking the technical details, which can be at the back panel, the front panel, or even through the digital interface of the thermostat.
It will usually be labeled as Honeywell XXXX, so don’t be confused.
Once you’re able to find it, skim through the models or units below to find the best and exact process of resetting your Honeywell Thermostat Pro.
Resetting Honeywell T5 to T6 Pro Models
Here’s the process of how to reset your Honeywell Thermostat T5, T5+, and T6 Pro units:
- Turn your device on (make sure that there’s a display on the front panel).
- Press + hold [MENU] on the device for about 5 to 10 seconds.
- A prompt will appear; scroll to the left part and click Reset.
- Choose Factory > YES.
Once done, you’ll see the entire device shut off and reboot. Allow it to reinitialize for about 3 to 5 minutes before trying again.
Resetting Honeywell 6000 Pro Models
If ever you’re using Honeywell Thermostat 6000 Pro models, here’s the process you should follow:
- Power your thermostat on.
- Press and hold [FANS] on the thermostat.
- Press and hold the [UP] arrow for 5 to 10 seconds.
- Click on the left button until you see 90.
- Once done, click the up button until you see 1.
When you’re finished and done with this, wait for the system to reinitialize and your Honeywell Thermostat will be reset back to its default settings.
Resetting Honeywell 8580 and 8320 Pro Models
The process of factory resetting your Honeywell Thermostat 8320 and 8580 models is as follows:
- Ensure that your thermostat is activated.
- From the list of options, select System.
- Press + hold center buttons and choose Reset Factory Settings.
When you do this, you’ll see the interface of your thermostat as it will notify you that you’ve performed a factory reset. Tap OK on your screen to finish the process.
Resetting Honeywell 8321 Pro Models
Lastly, if you are using the Honeywell Thermostat 8321 Pro unit, here’s the process of factory resetting it:
- While turned on, press [MENU] on the panel.
- Then, select Dealer Information > Date Code.
- After that, press Installer Options.
- Type in the date code and select Reset to Default.
Confirm and finalize the process by tapping on Yes on the screen. Once you’re able to do that, the interface will let you know that your Honeywell Thermostat has been factory reset!
And that’s just about it! These are the processes and methods of factory resetting Honeywell Thermostat Pro models and units!
Schedule Resetting Honeywell Thermostat Pro Series
There are cases and situations where users are more comfortable in performing a scheduled reset to their thermostats so that they don’t have to go through the processes repeatedly.
And while it’s something that’s not common, it’s advisable especially since it’s recommended to perform a factory reset at certain points in time.
So, how do you perform a scheduled reset on your Honeywell Thermostat Pro units?
NOTE: The differences and distinctions in factory resetting Honeywell Thermostat Pro models are different.
But, going for scheduled resets would usually just be a few options different from the manual reset.
How to Schedule Reset Your Honeywell Thermostat?
So, here’s a quick overview of the process of how to schedule reset your thermostat.
- Perform the initial steps for factory resetting your unit.
- Instead of choosing Reset, select Schedule Reset from the options.
For Honeywell 8320 and 8580 Pro units, press and hold the blank box and change the number to 0165 (left) and 1 (right), and press Done.
For Honeywell 6000 Pro units, change the left number to 85 and the right number to 1.
Once you’re done doing these steps, you can now be carefree that your Honeywell Thermostat Pro series unit will reset on its own based on the schedule you’ve set!
Read Next: What Does Recovery Mean on Honeywell Thermostat?
Final Verdict:
You can reset your Honeywell Thermostat Pro Series units by first finding out the exact model or unit of your device, then, perform the necessary steps and commands depending on the specific unit to perform the factory reset.
If you’re wondering about the process of how to reset Honeywell Thermostat Pro series, it will not be a walk in the park.
Different models and units would require different processes, so, identifying what model you have will be the first and most important thing!
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