Is your Oral-B toothbrush fully charged but not working? Let’s find out what’s going on!
It’s frustrating when you charge your toothbrush overnight, only to find it isn’t working in the morning. The issue usually indicates a faulty charger, battery, or switch.
To fix your fully charged Oral-B toothbrush that’s malfunctioning, remove the battery and put it back again. Next, reset your device to clear any glitches or errors preventing your toothbrush from working properly.
Great, let’s start delving into the specifics!
Oral-B Toothbrush Fully Charged But Not Working
There are several reasons why your toothbrush doesn’t work, even if it’s fully charged.
Software bugs and glitches are possible culprits, but the top three include:
- A damaged or defective charger that’s not able to deliver enough power
- A worn-out or faulty battery that’s not able to hold enough charge
- A stuck or broken switch
In this article, we’ll help you identify and resolve issues with your electric toothbrush.
We listed the most effective steps for your convenience.
Before You Start
Before you move on to any of the solutions below, go through these four basic troubleshooting steps.
You might have a straightforward problem that can be resolved without needing more advanced solutions.
- Check the charger for damage.
- Plug it into a different wall outlet.
- Examine the power cord for cuts and damage.
- Clean the contacts.
If none of these work, proceed to the more advanced solutions.
1. Leave It on the Charger for 30+ Minutes and Check if it’s Charging
Oral-B’s toothbrushes require more time to charge fully, especially if you haven’t used them for a long time or used a different charger than the one they came with.
In such cases, it is recommended to leave your toothbrush on the charger for a longer period to ensure it gets fully charged before use.
Here’s what you should do:
- Leave your toothbrush on the charger for at least 30 minutes.
- Look at the battery indicator light to check if it’s charging.
- If it’s solid green, it means it means it’s fully charged.
The solution is simple but effective. If it works, it will save you from doing more complicated steps.
However, if your toothbrush doesn’t work after 30 minutes of charging, move on to the next solution.
2. Check for Obstructions and Clean It
Obstructions and dirt often interfere with your toothbrush’s function.
Dirt accumulates if you don’t clean your toothbrush regularly. Also, dropping it on the floor or exposing it to moisture requires immediate cleaning.
Things you need:
- A damp cloth or cotton swab
- A dry cloth or paper towel
To fix this, check for any obstructions and clean your toothbrush thoroughly.
Here are the steps to do that:
- Twist and pull the brush head off the handle to remove it.
- Gently wipe the metal shaft with a damp cloth or cotton swab.
- Clean the switch and mode button of toothpaste residue, water droplets, or debris.
- Ensure there’s no dirt, dust, or corrosion on the charging port.
- Get a paper towel or cloth to dry everything thoroughly.
- Twist and push the brush head back onto the handle until it clicks into place.
Note: Ensure there is no dirt, dust, or moisture left on any part of the toothbrush.
This is an easy and cheap solution that improves the performance and lifespan of your toothbrush.
However, if your toothbrush still doesn’t work after cleaning it, proceed to the next method.
3. Short the Contacts to Check If It’s an Issue with the Switch
Is your Oral B toothbrush charged but not working still? Check the toothbrush’s switch to see if it is stuck, broken, or faulty.
If it is, short the contacts that connect the switch to the circuit board to bypass the switch and turn on the toothbrush directly.
Things you need:
- A small screwdriver or coin
- A pair of tweezers
Here are the steps to do this:
- Twist and pull the brush head off the handle to remove it.
- Use a small screwdriver or coin to pry open the battery cover.
- Lift out the battery from its compartment with a pair of tweezers.
- Look for two small metal contacts on either side of where the battery was.
- Touch both contacts simultaneously with a small screwdriver or a pair of tweezers.
Note: Doing this creates a short circuit and turns on the toothbrush. However, it’s not a permanent fix, and you should not do it repeatedly to avoid damaging your toothbrush.
If your toothbrush works after shorting the contacts, repair or replace the switch.
4. Test the Motor’s Connection Using a Multimeter
Another possible reason your toothbrush doesn’t work even if fully charged is an issue with the motor that powers the brush head.
This happens when the motor gets disconnected, damaged, or faulty. To fix this, test the motor’s connection using a multimeter.
Things you need:
- A small screwdriver or coin
- A pair of tweezers
- Multimeter
Here are the steps to do that:
- Twist and pull the brush head off the handle to remove it.
- Use a small screwdriver or coin to pry open the battery cover.
- Lift out the battery from its compartment with a pair of tweezers.
- Look for two thin wires that connect the motor to the circuit board.
- Turn on the multimeter and set it to measure resistance (ohms).
- Connect the red probe to the red wire and then the black probe to the black wire.
- Look at the display of the multimeter and note down the resistance value.
Note: The resistance value should be between 10 and 20 ohms. If it’s too high or too low, it means there’s an issue with the motor or its connection.
This solution is more advanced and requires technical skills and tools. If there’s an issue with the motor, replace or repair it or its wires.
5. Remove the Battery and Put It Back In Again
It’s also possible that there’s a glitch or error in the software or firmware.
This usually happens during power outages, a software update, or a bug. To fix this, remove the battery from your toothbrush and put it back again.
Your toothbrush will reset, clearing any glitches or errors affecting its function.
Things you need:
- A small screwdriver or coin
- A pair of tweezers
Here are the steps to do this:
- Twist and pull the brush head off the handle to remove it.
- Use a small screwdriver or coin to pry open the battery cover.
- Lift out the battery from its compartment with a pair of tweezers.
- Leave the battery out for 10 seconds to let it discharge completely.
- Put the battery back into the compartment and align it correctly.
- Snap back the battery cover onto the handle.
- Twist and push the brush head back onto the handle until it clicks into place.
If your toothbrush still doesn’t work, proceed to the next solution.
6. Reset Your Toothbrush
If none of the above solutions work, reset your toothbrush to its factory settings.
Issues with your settings or preferences occur when you change the settings accidentally, switch modes too quickly, or pair your toothbrush with your smartphone.
Note: Resetting will erase any changes you have made and restore your toothbrush to its original state.
Here are the steps to do that:
- Plug the charger into a working outlet.
- Place your toothbrush on the charger and ensure it’s aligned correctly.
- Press and hold the Power and Mode buttons for 10 seconds.
- When you hear a beep or see a flashing light, release the buttons.
- Wait for the light to stop flashing.
- Remove your toothbrush from the charger and see if it works normally.
This is the ultimate fix for any problem that affects your toothbrush.
However, it will erase any settings or preferences you have made, such as brushing schedule, intensity level, or even Bluetooth connection.
You will have to set them up again after the reset.
Quick Recap
The Oral-B toothbrush fully charged but not working issue typically points to problems with the switch, charger, or battery.
To address this, take out and reinsert the battery. If this doesn’t work, reset your toothbrush to clear any glitches or errors that hinder its functionality.
Our blog is your go-to source for electric toothbrushes and troubleshooting their issues!