Wondering how to clear Xbox360 cache then you’ve come to the right place! Here we will explain how to properly clean your Xbox from the annoying cache that slows it down, and we will describe the easiest way to do this.
The process is not difficult at all and everything necessary would be to access your console’s options and click on a few buttons!
In order to clear the system cache from your Xbox360, you must access settings, select storage, and highlight but without selecting the storage device.
Press “Y” on your controller for device options and when you enter the device options screen, select the button labeled as “Clear System Cache”.
After performing these simple steps, your Xbox360 should now be clean from any system cache.
Let us now learn the steps in details so that you can do it correctly.
What is the Xbox360 Cached Data?
Clearing your console’s cache must be performed regularly, to avoid any unwanted software slow-downs.
Your Xbox’s cache stores items such as system update installation packages, game updates, and game pictures of your friends.
The data sometimes gets corrupted and it is often resolved upon cleaning your Xbox’s cache.
Keep in mind that clearing cache deletes previously downloaded game updates and you won’t have them unless you install them again the next time you play.
Here is what WILL NOT be deleted after clearing Xbox360 cached data:
- The content you have downloaded
- Console software updates
- Your Gamertag
- Any game files
How to Clear Cache on Xbox360 Quickly?
Large system cache data won’t only slow down your Xbox360 on performance, but if not cleaned regularly, it can also take a considerable amount of space on your console’s hard drive.
Depending on how much time it wasn’t cleared it can take more than 50 GB from your Xbox.
In order to learn how to clear Xbox360 cache follow the steps described below:
Step #1. On your Xbox360 controller, press the guide button and go to “Settings”.
Step #2. Your next step is to locate the “System Settings” tab and enter it.
Select“Storage” and highlight without selecting a storage device, afterwards press the “Y” button on your Xbox360 controller in order to enter device options.
Step #3. Upon accessing the “Device Options” menu, locate the option labeled as “Clear System Cache” and press on it.
You will be asked if you’re confident with the action and in order to finish the system cache clear process select “Yes”.
Afterward, you could press the Guide button on your Xbox360 controller to get back to the Xbox Home.
Does System Cache Harm Your Xbox360?
The system cache could harm your console in many ways and how to clear your xbox360 cache is frequently asked in many tech forums.
In older models of Xbox, community members share that not clearing your cache for a long time could be dangerous for your console.
Although, we are talking about Xbox360, and clearing your cache regularly is really healthy as mentioned above.
As time passes and your cache piles up, you won’t notice the slight difference in loading time.
It will take longer than usual to load an app or a game, and in some consoles that don’t come with such large storage, system cache could be a bit of an issue.
Some users admit that after clearing their Xbox360’s cache, there is a slight performance improvement and their games are running better.
It is worth keeping your Xbox free of any system cache as it doesn’t really delete anything that is important for your console to operate. It does remove older game updates but you can always install them later on.
Why Does the Xbox360 System Cache Won’t Clear?
Many users share that their Xbox360 won’t let them clear their cache.
We could admit that it is a common issue and there are plenty of things you could try, such as restarting via power cycle, factory resetting your console, or changing its MAC address.
Although they are not proven to work every time, there is a high possibility that these troubleshooting methods might resolve your issue.
Power Cycle Your Xbox360
Power cycling is a common troubleshooting method that could be applied in every situation, including this one.
The process involves some simple steps that are relatively easy to execute, as everything you have to do is reset your console’s power.
In order to power cycle your Xbox360, follow the steps below:
- Hold down your Xbox360’s power button for 10 seconds in order to turn it off
- Unplug your console’s power cable and wait for around 3 minutes
- Plug your power cable back in and see if the issue persists
If you’re still not familiar with how to clear your xbox360 cache, feel free to scroll back up and read the method again in order to continue troubleshooting this issue.
Although If this simple method doesn’t turn out effective in your case, feel free to continue with the next method we are about to share with you.
Change your Xbox360’s MAC Address
Another try-worthy method is to alter your Xbox’s MAC address.
Many communities reported that this is an efficient method not only to fix your cache issue but in many other cases, and you will find it recommended at most of the community guidelines.
Follow the steps below in order to change your Xbox360’s MAC address:
- Located under “My Xbox” navigate and open the system settings application
- Scroll down to “Network Settings” and select your “Wireless Network”
- Select “Configure Network” and then enter “Additional Settings”
- Afterward, select an alternate MAC Address and enter the new MAC Address
- Exit all the menus
You will be able to get a new MAC address from your PC, which later on you should enter at the desired spot in your Xbox360 MAC address settings.
Also, keep in mind that if you copy your MAC address from a PC, you won’t be able to have the same PC connected to the wireless connection your Xbox is currently connected to.
Factory Reset Your Xbox360
A recommended method to wipe clean your system cache is to factory reset your Xbox360, but keep in mind that performing this action will also permanently delete all of the files stored in your console, such as apps, games, etc…
If this method doesn’t resolve your software’s issue to clear the cache, it’s still a pretty effective way to clear your cache if the ordinary way doesn’t work.
If you are still wondering how to clear my xbox360 cache, make sure to go back up and read the method carefully.
If you’re reassured you tried everything, follow the steps below in order to perform a factory reset on your Xbox360.
Step #1. From the Xbox dashboard screen, access “Settings” and enter the “System” tab.
Step #2. Choose “Storage”. Instead of highlighting “System Cache” highlight your hard drive or your memory unit depending on your console.
Step #3. Choose“Device Options” by pushing the “Y” button on your Xbox360 joystick.
Step #4. Select the correct Format. You will receive a warning alerting you that all of the data on your device will be erased. Select the “Yes” option to confirm.
Step #5. Provide your console some time to reboot and format your hard drive and then you are done!
Easy as that, your Xbox now is fresh and clean from the frustrating cache slowing it down and filling your hard drive with useless files.
If the first time did not work for you, we recommend trying to give it another shot just to be sure.
Bottom Line
We hope that now you know better how to clear xbox360 cache, and you were able to get rid of other issues in the process.
Although not many people clear their console’s cache, it is strongly recommended to do it as often and regularly as possible.
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